Y Gegin – Set Work in Progress

Wedi treulio heddiw yn adeiladu’r Gegin, lle mae Syr Wynff a Plwmsan fel arfer yn cael ei brecwast bob bore. Dwi wedi dod ar draws clip sydd yn gweithio’n wych – a dwi am ‘i animeiddio’r sgetsh nesaf yma, yn y gegin. Hyd yn hyn, dyna screenshot allan o Maya o’r set.

Cegin - Work in Progress

Mi dwi di bod yn sganio drwy’r penawdau, yn trio cael cip olwg o beth sydd yn lle, a sut fath o gegin gin y ddau, ac wrth ddefnyddio’r screen shots, mi dwi di trio modelu’r gegin 100% ‘run fath a’r un SWaP. Dwi’n meddwl bysa adeiladu cegin newydd, modern, yn colli ‘i apêl – felly, dwi di trio cadw’r set yr un peth a’r un gwreiddiol. Hefyd – dwi’n tybio bydd o’n edrych yn fyw ‘Gymreig’ cael cegin hen fel hyn. Dyma’r screenshots dwi di bod yn ‘i ddefnyddio:

Cyfeirnod Cegin

A dyma shot agos o’r gornel:

Y Cegin - close up

Kitchen – Set, Work in Progress

I’ve spent the day modeling the Kitchen, in which Syr Wynff and Plwmsan usually have their breakfast every morning. I’ve found a clip which works very well, which I shall animate as the next sketch. Above you can see the screen shot of the process so far.

I’ve been going through the episode, capturing the scenes in which they’re at the kitchen, and using the shots as reference to built the set in 3d, by doing this, I hope to capture the set as it was, 100% on the Anturiaethau. I feel that by building a new, modern kitchen, it’ll lose it’s appeal and charm – plus, by having a small, dated kitchen, it’ll feel a bit more ‘Welsh’ than going through the modern, unappealing (especially for an animated version, as appeal is the key!) stainless, no character kitchen.

There’s an image above of the reference I used, also a close up on the set.